Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Phew. We made it.

It's official.
Jet Pilot is done with flight school and is now deemed ready to go out into a real Navy fleet squadron and do what he does best.
Fghter Pilot-y stuff.
He had his "patching" ceremony (when all the newly finished pilots stand in front of family and fellow jet pilot friends, get an embarrassing bio read about them and their time at the training squadron then the Commanding Officer politely asks...does anyone want to claim THIS ONE? To which an actual FLEET Squadron Pilot who just happens to be there speaks up and says...we'll take em! The fleet guy comes up to the newbie fleet pilot (aka my husband) rips off his old squadron patch from his flight suit and puts his new "home" squadron patch on.
It was great. I cried. But I always cry, I'm a sap.
There were embarrassing comments, references to his call sign, and other hilarity through out the whole

And as it turns we are like one of seven pilot folks who are going to this new squadron together. We got into VFA-41 Black Aces out of Lemoore, CA. Which means we are staying here for a few more years!! Yay!! We are excited!

To top it off the Black Aces just got home from deployment this weekend so we went out there to watch all the families of the pilots be reunited with one another. It was so amazing to see kids run to their daddies who they've missed for so long and jump into their arms-priceless. And tear evoking. There wasn't a dry eye on the flight line.
And somber at the same time. It made me realize I'm going to have to bring the helpmeet heat over these next few years in ways I never imagined I would. Let's do it.
I'm always up for a challenge to be better tomorrow than I was today.

Plus, we are going into a good squadron with good people and I am looking forward to meeting other women who truly get the load on my
plate. It will be refreshing. Not to mention a very dear, sweet friend of mine also had a husband who is going into the Black Aces and I am hoping we can spend more time together. I love Mrs. S!

I never thought this day would come. It seemed at times like we (I say we like I actually SET foot in ANY aircraft platform since 2008 when this whole process started) were meant to be in flight school forever. But Jet Pilot did like he always does and worked hard, did well, and owned that flight school business. I'm like, proud-normous of him.
Yeah, that's a word. A compound word. I made it up. Right now.

Jet Pilot, God's plan for you (and us) has been more awesome and amazing than I could ever imagined. Our children are always striving to emulate your intelligence and humor, our friends value your thoughtful opinions and I am so blessed every day to have you as my eternal best friend and soulmate. There is a fantastic plan that has been laid out for us, and I look forward to walking that path with you and our littles.

Now angle bank left, call the ball, and max throttle your spunky, motivated, self into the inner workings of your new "home".

I love you. Good job honey face. Only took 7 years. Lol. **shrugs**

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Buurrthday Shubee!

She's getting old on me.
Today we celebrated in giant bounce house style the birth of my first born.
She turned eight earlier this week but we waited until this weekend to celebrate her birthday. It was a smashing success.

And as I watched her jump as bounce and giggle, I got a little nostalgic and sad. I remember when she was just a tiny baby ball of sweetness and snuggly joy. Now she's blossoming into a young lady who's concern and caring for everyone around her makes me question what I did to deserve a kid so awesome.
She is gentle and patient with her little brothers even though it seems like their personal mission in life is to take her things and hide them. Or chew on them.
She makes me laugh with her wry sense of humor and makes me cry with how spiritual she is.
Her brain works just like her dad's but everyone tells her she is a mini me.
I love her with every cell in my body and I am excited and anxious to see the wonderful lady she is to grow into.
She surprises me in a good way and is always attentive to her parents teachings. She lends an ear to a friend and starts to cry when someone she cares about has been wronged or hurt.

She loves ice cream, chocolate, and sleeping in my room when dad is out of town. She hates brussels sprouts and combing her hair. I call her my little hippie because she loves the stars, organic food, and recycling.

Baby girl, you make everything in this life better. You are a light and amazing role model to your little siblings, and an inspiration to your parents to be better. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and I pray for you to always put God first, love without abandon and find joy in all things. I hope you enjoyed this birthday party and always remain humble and gracious.

Thanks for being my kid. We love you.
And we love your wild, crazy, "I just combed it but it still looks like bed head" hair.

Happy Birthday darling baby! May your 8th year be the best one yet!!

P.S. "Shubee" is one of her nicknames. It was one of her first gibberish words that she said as a baby and she always used to yell it at her dad when he held her. And it stuck. We love it.
And her.