Thursday, September 27, 2012


the best part of pregnancy--getting up almost every day at 5am because your body is getting you ready for the sleeplessness that will be your life in just a few short months.
I'm tired. Like zombie status tired.
And functioning today may be more of a stretch than I originally thought.

Upside-baby G is in a cheerful mood.

Downside-Laundry hasn't figured out how to do itself and the magic broom from Sleeping Beauty hasn't appeared to sweep my kitchen or bathroom floors. Sigh.

In other news, it's been almost a month since my better half left. I can't believe it. I wish I could say time is flying. But it doesn't feel like it is.

However we are muscling our way through it. Thriving some days, surviving others. We spend a lot of time in family prayer and I take comfort knowing that I have great people all over the US praying for our family. You ladies know who you are!
But I definitely feel a difference this deployment as opposed to the previous ones we've done. Primarily I because it was me who did those deployments and Jet Pilot stayed home.
Role reversal. Kinda stinks.

But he's loving it. And that's what counts. Everyone loves a happy worker.

And I love him.

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