In the spirit of being the patriotic and supportive military wife to a Jet Pilot there are certain things I feel I should do. And one of them is to try to volunteer at some of his command functions. It makes me feel like I am being helpful, and getting his name out there. I have made chili for lunch cookouts, offered my stockpile as a gift basket for Command Parties and today I volunteered to work the VT-7 Strike Eagles Officer Spouses Club T-shirt booth at the Key Field Airshow.
The Mission: Sell VT-7 Strike Eagles Tee Shirts for Men, Ladies and Kids, and some random military knick knacks
What I did: Sweat, swelter and try to peddle these shirts off onto the unsuspecting public here in the sprawling metropolis of Meridian, MS. It was hot, humid and totally not enough shade to go around. But that's ok. I enjoyed myself and made the best of it, plus Jet Pilot and kids were there- and he wasn't supposed to be. He was supposed to be in Pensacola for a Jet Pilot Gala thing. So it was family fun for all.
But my thoughts and words drift from their original purpose of this post. I love my husband's dream.
To be a Jet Pilot.
To fly like a scary crazy maniac in the sky doing maneuvers and tricks I wouldn't dream about actually wanting to do because they are FUN.
We are pretty patriotic in this house and we love America and more importantly we appreciate the sacrifice that Jet Pilot makes for us each day to make sure we all stay safe. And sometimes his job necessitates that he is away from us for long periods of time, the family that loves and needs him everyday. But that's okay. We met and grew up in this military lifestyle and are raising our family in it. And we love it.
But I think it was just today as I was watching a variant of Jet Pilot's dream plane (F/A-18C is the dream plane, F/A-18F is what we saw today at the airshow) fly by doing seriously sick aerobatics and climbing to fearful heights that I realized it in my core-His dream IS MY dream.
I want him to fly those planes.
And I love Jet Noise. The sound of it brings tears to my eyes and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Is that weird?? I don't think so.
I want him to be that guy. I am proud of Jet Pilot for working hard daily towards becoming that guy.
And I give thanks everyday to Our Most High for blessing us with this wonderful life. May His blessings continue to shower upon us and guide us to be the best Pickle family that we can be.
Happy Saturday and enjoy the random post!