It would appear that lately in my life I am going through a growth spurt. A growing of my faith, patience and upbeat attitude is underway. And to say its been easy is uhh...a lie.
Its been EXTREMELY hard.
I miss Bonnie--like everyday. But she is loving public school and is well ahead of her class in her subjects, so I am pleased. Growing my upbeat attitude even though I want her to be home- CHECK.
Trying to juggle the boys and their needs, growing my patience and overcoming my self doubt that I am capable of running this household-CHECK.
In the midst of my mom turmoil I find myself doing household tasks that enrich our quality of life.
Like mending Gator.
This is Gator
We got him for Clyde when he was a little baby and its one of the few lovey's he stuck with. Gator has been across the country with us, survived potty training (that was ugly for Gator sometimes) and copious amounts of abuse. Most recently someone cut his foot with scissors (no one would cop to it..hmm..) and he was losing stuffing. So I put his foot surgery on the high pri list and got to it the other day while catching up on Torchwood on the DVR.
Don't judge me, Torchwood is a great BBC X-filey kinda show.
And now he looks like this...
All better now. But a little battle scar to show for it. Its character, now he looks tough.
When I gave him back to Clyde he grabbed Gator by the leg and half ran half dragged back to his room to get right back into the chaos.
And it got me thinking how similar Gator and I are.
He is sooo loved around this house that he gets put through the wringer from all the "fun" and "trouble" he manages to get in to with Clyde. And minus the occasional little stitch he is no worse for the wear.
I am feeling like I have been put through the wringer lately but it always seems like I come out the other side just fine. Maybe I get a little "character" out of the deal, but I am better because of it. My "stitches" are of the invisible variety and the Lord is doing the patching up on me...and its working.
I am getting the spiritual repair and then going right back in the thick of things...and I do love it. So like Gator, I am going to take my licking and keep on ticking.
Because that's how we roll in this house.
G'd up monster truck tough.
I'm out.
A blah-g about a military family of six and one mom's quest to conquer babies of all ages, homemakering, college, and all things coffee or chocolate related.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
The winner of the #Myblogspark and FiberOne giveaway according to is Comment #9 Nydia@zerohousepaymentforever!!
The winner has been contacted and stay tuned for another #myblogspark and @Kix Cereal giveaway!!!
Thanks for the comments!!
The winner has been contacted and stay tuned for another #myblogspark and @Kix Cereal giveaway!!!
Thanks for the comments!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Toughen up Juice
I have been feeling discouraged lately...and overwhelmed. Bonnie went back to public school (post on that later when my heart is not so heavy.) so I am minus one in the house.
Now I know for some have one less underfoot is a WAHOO moment but honestly I am near heartbroken. I wanted her to homeschool again this year and after family go round it was determined she would go back to a public school. She is so pumped and loving every minute, and doing very well..for that I am glad.
Jet pilot is doing pilot stuff away from our little home so I will be minus my love.
Heavy sigh.
And the littlest member of the Dill-io clan has thrush.
Yeah, no kidding.
Really, thrush?
I am still in disbelief, and the kid never complained once. In fact he slept like a champ last night.
From 9pm til 7am!!!
If you know my kids you know that they DO NOT EVER sleep that well. It's like a wonderful miracle!
And I fell and hurt my ankle.
Like I need to wear a super cool, orthopedic foot sleeve thing to help ease some of the strain on it.
Sidenote: I am NOT wearing the's goofy looking and makes my foot hot. And it would mess with my already fly image ;)
So yes the pity party is in full swing and if you want an invite lemme know and I will put you on the V.I.P. list.
I know it will all be okay and eventually will work out better than I could have planned. So I keep trying to pick myself up by the bootstraps (or flip flop straps because I hate shoes...I was born in California, it's like being part hippie from birth) and get over it.
Here is the solution I have come up with....



I laugh at you.
Or more specifically Clyde and his amazing smile/tongue combo laugh at you.
Added to this regiment is a tall glass of toughen up juice over ice.
And that cute face always has a way of just bringing a sleepy mommy right outta that self induced funk!
I'm off to get that juice now and get the rear in gear for a fierce and fiery kickball practice for my little handsome boy.
Now I know for some have one less underfoot is a WAHOO moment but honestly I am near heartbroken. I wanted her to homeschool again this year and after family go round it was determined she would go back to a public school. She is so pumped and loving every minute, and doing very well..for that I am glad.
Jet pilot is doing pilot stuff away from our little home so I will be minus my love.
Heavy sigh.
And the littlest member of the Dill-io clan has thrush.
Yeah, no kidding.
Really, thrush?
I am still in disbelief, and the kid never complained once. In fact he slept like a champ last night.
From 9pm til 7am!!!
If you know my kids you know that they DO NOT EVER sleep that well. It's like a wonderful miracle!
And I fell and hurt my ankle.
Like I need to wear a super cool, orthopedic foot sleeve thing to help ease some of the strain on it.
Sidenote: I am NOT wearing the's goofy looking and makes my foot hot. And it would mess with my already fly image ;)
So yes the pity party is in full swing and if you want an invite lemme know and I will put you on the V.I.P. list.
I know it will all be okay and eventually will work out better than I could have planned. So I keep trying to pick myself up by the bootstraps (or flip flop straps because I hate shoes...I was born in California, it's like being part hippie from birth) and get over it.
Here is the solution I have come up with....



I laugh at you.
Or more specifically Clyde and his amazing smile/tongue combo laugh at you.
Added to this regiment is a tall glass of toughen up juice over ice.
And that cute face always has a way of just bringing a sleepy mommy right outta that self induced funk!
I'm off to get that juice now and get the rear in gear for a fierce and fiery kickball practice for my little handsome boy.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest by #Jif
For the past 10 years, thousands of young chefs have shown off their originality in the kitchen by revamping the classic peanut butter sandwich with a twist in the Jif® Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest™. Now through October 12, 2011, us gracious parents can help our incredibly talented kids (ahem), ages 6 to 12 submit their creative sandwich recipes for a chance to win a $25,000 college fund. To mark the 10th Anniversary, this year’s Grand Prize Winner will also receive an additional $10,000 for educational products.
AWWW SOME right??
A separate contest invites peanut butter fans across America to enter the That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest for a shot at being on the judging panel at the final event in New York, where five kid chefs will contend for the grand prize.
Parents can help their children submit their own imaginative recipe online at or or by completing the downloadable entry form available on both websites.
Sandwiches will be judged on creativity, taste, how nutritious it is, eye candy appeal and ease of preparation. Qualified entrants, who submit their entry in the first six weeks of the call for entries will receive a Jif Back To School gift pack while supplies last — provided the entry is submitted online or postmarked by September 1, 2011 and received by September 8, 2011. Ten semifinalists will be posted on both websites to take part in a nationwide online vote in January 2012. Anyone age 13 and older can vote to help select the five finalists, who will go on to compete in New York in March 2012.
Entries for the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest must be postmarked by October 12, 2011 and received no later than October 19, 2011. Online entries must be submitted by 11:59 a.m. on October 12, 2011. For complete details, Official Rules and the entry form for the tenth annual contest, visit or The Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. between six and 12 years of age by October 12, 2011. Void where prohibited.
Find Jif on Facebook or visit for more info, tips, recipes, contests & promotions.
Sooo what are you still doing here--- get to revamping the peanut butter sandwich-ing already!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
My squirmy baby and the adventures of changing his diapers
My newest arrival who I have nicknamed "Ferb" is a squirmy one when it comes to changing his diapers. Its not his fault really-- he comes from a long line of wiggly worms and his parents are fidget-ers sometimes as well. What can I say we have ants in pants??
He like to wiggle and waggle at EVERY diaper change. No matter what time it is. He is just as wiggly at after a 4pm feeding as he is at a 4AM feeding. And it drives me more than a little bonkers sometimes. Because this sleep deprived homeschooling mom of 3 is not blessed with infinite patience. Sigh. Bummer I know.
But I do have a few tricks up my proverbial mom sleeve. I have a baby mat with brightly colored toys and mirror that captures his attention EVERY time I change him there, needless to say I am mostly changing him on the playmat to keep him occupied.
And it helps A LOT!!
And it looks like there will be more relief on the horizon. Huggies has just created a line of SLIP ON DIAPERS!!! AAHH!! RELIEF!!
Huggies and SocialMoms Blogging Program have teamed up and asked bloggers (like myself) about any tips and tricks to help combat the wiggly baby diaper changes.
My second trick that I have is not really a trick at all...more of a learned response. I breastfeed the baby until right before they fall asleep, whip em off the goods, and lay him down on the playmat (see above about all the good and wonderful the playmat does for my life!) change him with lightning speed and the agility of a ninja, put back on the goods and continue until the little angel FOR REAL passes out.
And usually it works. I have like a 99% success rate about 75% of the time (lol, was that confusing enough?).
And my final trick, well its just the daily reminding that he won't be this little for all that long. He will only be this small for what seems like the blink of an eye. Before I know it he will be flying thru the house in his underwear and superhero cape acting like he is saving the world. (Yes, that scene happens quite frequently in this house.) Tormenting his sister and making our lives all the more richer and fun because he is in it.
What tips and tricks do you have to help combat squirmy baby diaper changing time? I would love all kinds of new insight and advice...Lord knows I need it.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Huggies blogging program, for a gift card worth $35. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
He like to wiggle and waggle at EVERY diaper change. No matter what time it is. He is just as wiggly at after a 4pm feeding as he is at a 4AM feeding. And it drives me more than a little bonkers sometimes. Because this sleep deprived homeschooling mom of 3 is not blessed with infinite patience. Sigh. Bummer I know.
But I do have a few tricks up my proverbial mom sleeve. I have a baby mat with brightly colored toys and mirror that captures his attention EVERY time I change him there, needless to say I am mostly changing him on the playmat to keep him occupied.
And it helps A LOT!!
And it looks like there will be more relief on the horizon. Huggies has just created a line of SLIP ON DIAPERS!!! AAHH!! RELIEF!!
Huggies and SocialMoms Blogging Program have teamed up and asked bloggers (like myself) about any tips and tricks to help combat the wiggly baby diaper changes.
My second trick that I have is not really a trick at all...more of a learned response. I breastfeed the baby until right before they fall asleep, whip em off the goods, and lay him down on the playmat (see above about all the good and wonderful the playmat does for my life!) change him with lightning speed and the agility of a ninja, put back on the goods and continue until the little angel FOR REAL passes out.
And usually it works. I have like a 99% success rate about 75% of the time (lol, was that confusing enough?).
And my final trick, well its just the daily reminding that he won't be this little for all that long. He will only be this small for what seems like the blink of an eye. Before I know it he will be flying thru the house in his underwear and superhero cape acting like he is saving the world. (Yes, that scene happens quite frequently in this house.) Tormenting his sister and making our lives all the more richer and fun because he is in it.
What tips and tricks do you have to help combat squirmy baby diaper changing time? I would love all kinds of new insight and advice...Lord knows I need it.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Huggies blogging program, for a gift card worth $35. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Dill-io and our Destiny
I have been meaning to snap a picture and blog about this for some time:

How could we NOT fellowship at a church that has both a cross AND a picture of a Fighter Jet on the sermon notes page in the weekly bulletin?
I know.
Jets and Jesus, it can't get any better.
God's plan for us to come here was perfect. He knew exactly what we needed, proof positive that He rocks!!

How could we NOT fellowship at a church that has both a cross AND a picture of a Fighter Jet on the sermon notes page in the weekly bulletin?
I know.
Jets and Jesus, it can't get any better.
God's plan for us to come here was perfect. He knew exactly what we needed, proof positive that He rocks!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
FiberOne and #MyBlogSpark #Giveaway
Recently (like within the last 4 weeks), Jet Pilot and I have decided to start a weight loss plan for ourselves. And the most fundamental part of weight loss is eating less calories.
Enter Fiber One 80 Calories cereal to the rescue!!

With 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in one 80 calorie serving, Fiber One 80 Calories cereal can help curb your munchie muncherton factor, which in turn can help you stick to your weight loss plan.
And Lord knows I need all the weight loss assistance I can get!!
Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal is a new breakfast option that helps you feel satisfied without sacrificing flavor! YAY FLAVA!!
You can check out more information about FiberOne here:
#MyBlogspark sent me the following prize pack:
1 box of Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal
1 sensor pedometer with USB connector to chart walking progress
1 neoprene iPod/smartphone holder with armstrap
Answer this simple question:
Is your current breakfast enough to keep you full until the lunchtime hour...and if not what could you do differently?
Here are some other ways to enter as well:
Follow me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
Follow FiberOne 80 Calories on Facebook
Tweet this giveaway (Just hit the Tweet button on the top of this post)
Giveaway ends 8/19/11
Disclosure: Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
Enter Fiber One 80 Calories cereal to the rescue!!

With 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in one 80 calorie serving, Fiber One 80 Calories cereal can help curb your munchie muncherton factor, which in turn can help you stick to your weight loss plan.
And Lord knows I need all the weight loss assistance I can get!!
Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal is a new breakfast option that helps you feel satisfied without sacrificing flavor! YAY FLAVA!!
You can check out more information about FiberOne here:
- Fiber One’s Website
- Fiber One’s Facebook page
#MyBlogspark sent me the following prize pack:
Answer this simple question:
Is your current breakfast enough to keep you full until the lunchtime hour...and if not what could you do differently?
Here are some other ways to enter as well:
Follow me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
Follow FiberOne 80 Calories on Facebook
Tweet this giveaway (Just hit the Tweet button on the top of this post)
Giveaway ends 8/19/11
Disclosure: Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
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