Six years ago when Jet Pilot and I were both in the Navy we went to a Blue Angels Airshow and toured all the planes. As luck would have it the Air Wing that I had deployed with was the one who's planes were on display at this particular airshow. We walked around and I chatted up with all the pilots that I had previously become very familiar with (after all you spend 6 months with someone and try to NOT become friends thru it all), it was at this time, this day, these hours that a dream was born. Jet Pilot looked over at me and said "I think I could do cool would it be if I could become a Fighter Jet Pilot?"
And like the good wife I agreed.
This conversation sparked a series of events that have 1000% changed our lives in a very short amount of time. From the beginning he always wanted to fly the F/A-18, now if you are not a super Aviation geek then you may not know all this but there are about 3493 types of F/A-18's.
Well not that many but you know what I mean.
And from the beginning he always wanted to fly the F/A-18.
So fast forward 3 years and we are here. Jet Pilot is still in school (Navy or civilian), learning one Naval Aviation-ish thing or another and STILL wanting to fly F/A-18's. And I want him to fly those
scary awesome and amazing planes. Fast forward a bit more to me sitting in a Navy conference room (with our friends the "G" Family, the Navy wife who helped me survive the carrier qual week) complete with a Ping Pong table, Navy dudes and a popcorn machine waiting to see what decisions the Good Lord would bestow upon us as our next adventure.
Not my ideal location-but again, what the heck do I know right?
As the CO walked in and started swapping out old arm patches for new ones that showed the type of plane the guys were going fly I could literally feel myself on the verge of puking.
It was soo bad I asked the other wife in the room to hold my hand...and to slap me if I looked like I needed it, lol, yes I am that much of a basket case. I used to be tough, I swear. First guy to get his patches swapped out-BLAM gets his first choice platform and location! Second guy-FIRST CHOICE platform and location again! Literally like 30 seconds has passed at this point but in my head it might as well have been 30 years...I don't think I was breathing.
Then my husband's turn, (can you tell I am green at this point?), deep breaths, woo-saah, (swallow the puke) and the CO SLAPS ON THIS:
I didn't cry (much) but I was soo ecstatic for the husband that I don't think I could form coherent words...although I know I announced that I was going to pee in my pants from all the stress and build up and excitement. Cuz they don't think I am crazy enough right?
That's disbelief/joy in his face |
So we will be moving to California very soon and we are all so excited. Nervous. Relieved. Blessed. Extraordinarily blessed. It has been an amazing ride and I am eternally grateful that the Lord has blessed me to be the one at Jet Pilot's side through this awesome journey. Its a wonderful, amazing life.
Now he is pumped about it! |
Its the only kind of life that I can see myself living, cuz after all--change is good. And with the Military-change is inevitable.
Happy Family post-Selection!! WE ARE GOING TO CA!!! |
The last thing left is the official ceremony. To put it all in stone and cement it into the fabric of our lives forever. I can't wait. None of us can. We have family coming in from out of town and they are all going to help us celebrate this momentous occasion.