I'm a cheer coach.
Didn't volunteer this time. Got yoked into because my daughter's coach quit last minute because she had a job. Lame excuse, believe me I know.
And she didn't bother to tell anyone she quit.
Just stopped showing up to practice and games.
So apparently, before she quit she volunteered me as a back up and I didn't want to let the girls down so I said yes.
They are a sweet group of little gals and they love all things cheery and girly and pink and cheery.
However, being mom to three with another growing from scratch--I am a bit tired and run down by the time practice and game day come around.
But I'm making it work.
We have one game left and I am trying to just muscle my way thru it so that this whole shenanigan of an evolution will eventually be a story I tell.
I feel like this is one of those character building times in my motherhood/deployment cycle. To see how determined or stubborn I am to stick things through and make ish happen.
Well, joke's on you life--because I've got cheerleader slash cheer coach on lock. Period. Dot.
El Dizzle out this piece.
A blah-g about a military family of six and one mom's quest to conquer babies of all ages, homemakering, college, and all things coffee or chocolate related.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Good Morning Dad!!
Today we had the great and unexpected pleasure of talking to Jet Pilot before our school day actually started.
It was fan-friggin-tastic.
I forgot how much I like his voice.
And his face.
And his personality.
It's funny how the subconscious handles separation. Or depressing, depending on your outlook. :/
Phone calls like this one make living this lifestyle a teensy bit easier to handle. Plus it was a great way to head into our weekend!
Hang in there love, we miss you bunches and bunches but we will talk again soon!!!
It was fan-friggin-tastic.
I forgot how much I like his voice.
And his face.
And his personality.
It's funny how the subconscious handles separation. Or depressing, depending on your outlook. :/
Phone calls like this one make living this lifestyle a teensy bit easier to handle. Plus it was a great way to head into our weekend!
Hang in there love, we miss you bunches and bunches but we will talk again soon!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
the best part of pregnancy--getting up almost every day at 5am because your body is getting you ready for the sleeplessness that will be your life in just a few short months.
I'm tired. Like zombie status tired.
And functioning today may be more of a stretch than I originally thought.
Upside-baby G is in a cheerful mood.
Downside-Laundry hasn't figured out how to do itself and the magic broom from Sleeping Beauty hasn't appeared to sweep my kitchen or bathroom floors. Sigh.
In other news, it's been almost a month since my better half left. I can't believe it. I wish I could say time is flying. But it doesn't feel like it is.
However we are muscling our way through it. Thriving some days, surviving others. We spend a lot of time in family prayer and I take comfort knowing that I have great people all over the US praying for our family. You ladies know who you are!
But I definitely feel a difference this deployment as opposed to the previous ones we've done. Primarily I because it was me who did those deployments and Jet Pilot stayed home.
Role reversal. Kinda stinks.
But he's loving it. And that's what counts. Everyone loves a happy worker.
And I love him.
I'm tired. Like zombie status tired.
And functioning today may be more of a stretch than I originally thought.
Upside-baby G is in a cheerful mood.
Downside-Laundry hasn't figured out how to do itself and the magic broom from Sleeping Beauty hasn't appeared to sweep my kitchen or bathroom floors. Sigh.
In other news, it's been almost a month since my better half left. I can't believe it. I wish I could say time is flying. But it doesn't feel like it is.
However we are muscling our way through it. Thriving some days, surviving others. We spend a lot of time in family prayer and I take comfort knowing that I have great people all over the US praying for our family. You ladies know who you are!
But I definitely feel a difference this deployment as opposed to the previous ones we've done. Primarily I because it was me who did those deployments and Jet Pilot stayed home.
Role reversal. Kinda stinks.
But he's loving it. And that's what counts. Everyone loves a happy worker.
And I love him.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Uno Café por favor...
I feel like Nancy Botwin...it would appear I can not function without the token Iced Coffee beverage in hand. And I appear to almost always make the semi-rude straw slurp to verify I am getting every mL of iced coffee into my blood stream.
It's amazing.
As a woman who hasn't had creamer in her coffee regularly for many months, its like taking long sips of fantabulous juice.
Love it.
Maybe it's just a craving and it will pass as I progress farther in my pregnancy (Gosh I hope not. I love me some iced coffee).
But either way I'm riding this iced coffee bean beverage wave for every sip it's worth.
And I'm out.
(**Shakes her 90% empty plastic coffee cup annoyingly so as not to miss one drop of awesome sauce**)
It's amazing.
As a woman who hasn't had creamer in her coffee regularly for many months, its like taking long sips of fantabulous juice.
Love it.
Maybe it's just a craving and it will pass as I progress farther in my pregnancy (Gosh I hope not. I love me some iced coffee).
But either way I'm riding this iced coffee bean beverage wave for every sip it's worth.
And I'm out.
(**Shakes her 90% empty plastic coffee cup annoyingly so as not to miss one drop of awesome sauce**)
Hello life.
I've been absent. No reasons really. Mostly life and laziness in regards to blogging. But boy, have things changed. Jet Pilot is on deployment. Set to return sometime next year hopefully by Spring.
The baby finally weaned and I was excited until my womanly joys returned.
Happy times over.
But don't worry, I took care of that...two weeks later--I got pregnant.
Yep, pregnant with the 4th baby Dill.
While always open to more kids this one definitely came as our surprise! Our little will be less than two years apart. Cray cray I know. But I'm excited. So is everyone else.
Jet Pilot says we are done now. Lol.
We as a family all went Paleo. No grains, no dairy, no beans, and no processed sugars. Initially it was miserable, then it got better. Kids kind of fought us initially but now they are over it. I've lost 35lbs on it, Jet Pilot lost like 25lbs. I think the weight loss also helped in conceiving. It took so long between the boys to get pregnant and I credit my unhealthy life style to a huge part of that.
However, now that I am pregnant- I am definitely feelings some cravings going on. The non-Paleo cravings.
It's hard not to be down about it. But I'm trying to be optimistic.
Since our squadron is on deployment our family has been hanging around with fellow VFA-41 spouses and kids, it's a nice set up. Different and eclectic but good. I feel old though around them sometimes, I think that's my own insecurities.
I miss Jet Pilot. I'm so incredibly proud of him and so glad he's finally doing what he's trained so hard for. But I miss my best friend. It will get easier right?
Sigh. Off to workout--I have a race this weekend that's not going to run itself.
The baby finally weaned and I was excited until my womanly joys returned.
Happy times over.
But don't worry, I took care of that...two weeks later--I got pregnant.
Yep, pregnant with the 4th baby Dill.
While always open to more kids this one definitely came as our surprise! Our little will be less than two years apart. Cray cray I know. But I'm excited. So is everyone else.
Jet Pilot says we are done now. Lol.
We as a family all went Paleo. No grains, no dairy, no beans, and no processed sugars. Initially it was miserable, then it got better. Kids kind of fought us initially but now they are over it. I've lost 35lbs on it, Jet Pilot lost like 25lbs. I think the weight loss also helped in conceiving. It took so long between the boys to get pregnant and I credit my unhealthy life style to a huge part of that.
However, now that I am pregnant- I am definitely feelings some cravings going on. The non-Paleo cravings.
It's hard not to be down about it. But I'm trying to be optimistic.
Since our squadron is on deployment our family has been hanging around with fellow VFA-41 spouses and kids, it's a nice set up. Different and eclectic but good. I feel old though around them sometimes, I think that's my own insecurities.
I miss Jet Pilot. I'm so incredibly proud of him and so glad he's finally doing what he's trained so hard for. But I miss my best friend. It will get easier right?
Sigh. Off to workout--I have a race this weekend that's not going to run itself.
Literary love and me. It happened.
I'm am officially rejoining the land of functional human beings. I took a little over 24 hours off to read THE ENTIRE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY.
In less than 24 hours.
Entire thing.
It was mesmerizing. I think the books are actually targeted towards younger adults/teens but holy cannoli-I loved it. I made the mistake of watching the movie before I actually read the book and I was initially worried that one or the other would fall short. Creative liberties and all that. But that wasn't the case. It was pretty true to story line and highlighted all the things I loved about the first book.
And I have a literary crush on Peeta. I love him for Katniss. Like want to hold his hand and tell him to fight for love..
Yes I am that lame.
So incredibly lame that as I was walking to the gym for my workout class I was reading my Kindle and pushing the stroller because I just had to know what happened.
I definitely got a bit of razzing from my workout class about that. Lol. But I don't care. I HAD to know what happened.
However, now I'm reading complete. So it's back to our regularly scheduled program of laundry, mothering and normal day to day Dill chaos.
Sigh. Until the next book sucks me in and renders me near useless.
In less than 24 hours.
Entire thing.
It was mesmerizing. I think the books are actually targeted towards younger adults/teens but holy cannoli-I loved it. I made the mistake of watching the movie before I actually read the book and I was initially worried that one or the other would fall short. Creative liberties and all that. But that wasn't the case. It was pretty true to story line and highlighted all the things I loved about the first book.
And I have a literary crush on Peeta. I love him for Katniss. Like want to hold his hand and tell him to fight for love..
Yes I am that lame.
So incredibly lame that as I was walking to the gym for my workout class I was reading my Kindle and pushing the stroller because I just had to know what happened.
I definitely got a bit of razzing from my workout class about that. Lol. But I don't care. I HAD to know what happened.
However, now I'm reading complete. So it's back to our regularly scheduled program of laundry, mothering and normal day to day Dill chaos.
Sigh. Until the next book sucks me in and renders me near useless.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dear Creepy Parents at school who don't leave until the bell rings to signify school starting,
You are a bit of a weirdo.
A-we live on base and while that's a slightly irrational sense of safety it's still infinitely safer than out in town.
B-some of your kids are older than mine, let them be. Every kid needs some parent free time.
C- I feel like you are a creeper/lurker--go home.
Go to Starbucks, enjoy the fact that your baby is enjoying the beginning of their school day.
And enjoy your morning. Sans a kid. Or two.
The parent who rolls out the second the babies are in the playground and playing with their friends.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
You are a bit of a weirdo.
A-we live on base and while that's a slightly irrational sense of safety it's still infinitely safer than out in town.
B-some of your kids are older than mine, let them be. Every kid needs some parent free time.
C- I feel like you are a creeper/lurker--go home.
Go to Starbucks, enjoy the fact that your baby is enjoying the beginning of their school day.
And enjoy your morning. Sans a kid. Or two.
The parent who rolls out the second the babies are in the playground and playing with their friends.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, September 24, 2012
The rabbit from Alice
Is what I felt like today.
I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.
Post workout (which by the way is insanely hard and always a challenge--even though I've been coming to the same class for almost a year!) I went to the park in our subdivision to chit chat with a dear friend while simultaneously recovering for our HIIT class and apparently we can't keep track of time. We were all up in the conversation zone and she glances down at her watch then screams---"it's 11:15!".
Our kids get out of kinder on base at 11:20.
And of course I walked to the park--and with no time to run home to jump on my bike (or my lovely air conditioned van); I am forced to run there.
It's only 1/2 mile run to school, but still. I was definitely in the recovery zone. So I threw the baby back into the stroller, said a quick good bye over my shoulder and off I went. I should have tracked my space with the app on my phone because seriously, I felt like I was flying down the streets to school.
But I made it in time for Kinder dismissal. Phew.
Here is my post workout, post sprint picture.
I think (with the help of Instagram) it portrays my super sweaty, overly tired, face.

**Note to self--WEAR A WATCH!!**
Real life.
I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.
Post workout (which by the way is insanely hard and always a challenge--even though I've been coming to the same class for almost a year!) I went to the park in our subdivision to chit chat with a dear friend while simultaneously recovering for our HIIT class and apparently we can't keep track of time. We were all up in the conversation zone and she glances down at her watch then screams---"it's 11:15!".
Our kids get out of kinder on base at 11:20.
And of course I walked to the park--and with no time to run home to jump on my bike (or my lovely air conditioned van); I am forced to run there.
It's only 1/2 mile run to school, but still. I was definitely in the recovery zone. So I threw the baby back into the stroller, said a quick good bye over my shoulder and off I went. I should have tracked my space with the app on my phone because seriously, I felt like I was flying down the streets to school.
But I made it in time for Kinder dismissal. Phew.
Here is my post workout, post sprint picture.
I think (with the help of Instagram) it portrays my super sweaty, overly tired, face.

**Note to self--WEAR A WATCH!!**
Real life.
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