A blah-g about a military family of six and one mom's quest to conquer babies of all ages, homemakering, college, and all things coffee or chocolate related.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 10 of Q90X
Q90x is moving right along!!
BIG 1-0!!!
Companies to email today are:
What are you doing?? Get to email-ing!!
Day 9 of Q90X
Here are the companies to contact today!!
Ok-- so email your fingers away!!!
Not sure what Q90X is, check it out here
Ok-- so email your fingers away!!!
Not sure what Q90X is, check it out here
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 8 of Q90X
The three companies to contact today on Day 8 for Q90X are:
Going for a personal hygiene, hair removal approach to my companies today...=P
Email these companies and let's pray for some good feedback!!
Day 7 of Q90X
Companies to contact today are:
Sorry for being such a slacker, it appears that my duties as a Jet Pilot's Wife are moving to the fore front and moving my blogging duties lower on the priority list...but I am on a mission to catch up so expect about 83973 posts today!!
Sorry for being such a slacker, it appears that my duties as a Jet Pilot's Wife are moving to the fore front and moving my blogging duties lower on the priority list...but I am on a mission to catch up so expect about 83973 posts today!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Kellogg's Cereal Recall

Kelloggs issued a voluntary recall of Corn Pops, Honey Smacks, Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks because they do not meet quality standards. “We have identified a substance in the package liners that can produce an uncharacteristic waxy-like off taste and smell.”
Their Press Release has more details.... the dates you need to look for are:
Kellogg’s® Apple Jacks®
UPC 3800039136
17 ounce package with Better if Used Before Dates between APR 10 2011 and JUN 22 2011
UPC 3800039132 3
8.7 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between JUN 03 2011 and JUN 22 2011
Kellogg’s® Corn Pops®
UPC 3800039109
12.5 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
UPC 3800039111
17.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
UPC 3800039116
9.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between APR 05 2011 and JUN 22 2011
Kellogg’s® Froot Loops®
UPC 3800039118
12.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
UPC 3800039120
17 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
UPC 3800039125
8.7 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
Kellogg’s®Honey Smacks®
UPC 3800039103
15.3 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
If you have any packages of these cereal, you should stop using them and immediately call them at 888-801-4163 888-801-4163 for replacement coupons.
Thanks for the original post Cindi!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cool Green Giveaway goin on!!
Check out the cool green and oh soo trendy giveaway Mom of all Trades is doing!!
Luvs Diaper Coupons

Stumbled across this today and I thought it was soo blog worthy for all the expecting/new mamas of multiples out there!! This was from the Luvs website:
We welcome twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, or more with a one-time gift of money-saving coupons! Simply send us copies of the hospital discharge papers. Any sensitive information, such as social security numbers, should be blacked out before sending them.
Finally, mail your name and address along with copies of the hospital discharge papers to:
Luvs Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Company
P.O. Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201.
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your coupons to arrive
How awesome is that??
Companies to contact today
Not sure what Q90X is?? Check it out here
WeUseCoupons.com and Me (and You too!)

I just discovered this coupon forum and can I just say-- it is totally awesome!! They have all the store deals on there (Kroger, Wags, CVS, Winn Dixie, Food Lion..you name its on there!!), and they have awesome threads explaining how coupons work, how they can work for you, and all other kinds of awesome deal stuff!! Its very useful for explaining the ins and outs of coupons/deals to the newbies and it even has some tips on helping the more advanced coupon-er like myself!!!
Check it out--and if you have a blog and sign up to become an affiliate, you get $3 sign up bonus and $10 for each friend you refer!!!
If you do sign up please please please put Lacy Dill as the person who referred you!! Seriously-go HERE now, poke around, or click on the green or yellow buttons on the left hand side of this blog!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
CVS Shop for the Week of 6/20-6/26
Sometimes its hard to be a coupon-er especially when people are always treating you like a criminal or that they think you are doing something wrong. For the record-I am not a thief, I coupon to save $$ for my family, to help my darling husband's hard earned check go thismuchfarther each month, to be the Proverbs 31 wife that God wants me to be. But I realize that telling all this to the miserable cashier who hates her job is pointless. So I just shed a few tears in the clearance section, said a little prayer, vowed to call CVS Customer Service on Monday and do the shop as I had originally planned.

I got:
1 Colgate toothpaste--$2.99
3 Powerbars--.99 cents each
3 Dawn Hand Renewal--$1.00
1 Fusion ProGlide--$9.97
Coupons I used:
$1/1 Colgate toothpaste 40z+ from the 6/6 SS
$1/1 Dawn Hand Renewal from the Home Made Simple booklet
$4/1 any Fusion razor from the 6/6 P&G
$11 in ECB's
Subtotal: .43
Tax: $1.29
Total OOP: $1.72
I earned $4.97 in ECB's for next week. I did not earn ECB's on the razor, totally forgot I hit my limit on them but meh, I was angry at my shopping experience and I did not feel like getting back into line to return it. And Jet Pilot is loving these razors so I am just going to cut my losses and keep it.
P.S. When I scanned the my card at the Magic Coupon Machine I got a $4/20, I don't know that I am going to use it but it was nice to get!! Too bad I can't trade that coupon, I know it would a definite hot commodity on the coupon trading forum! Soooo how'd you do this week at CVS??
Holy Organic Tomatoes Batman!!

I am so glad something grew, I was beginning to think we were total failures at the green thumb thing, (don't get me wrong I don't think we are bucking to be on the cover of Garden magazine by any means) but I have renewed hope and faith that our little garden will make it. We spent some time at a transitional nursery in the area and the man there recommended this all natural plant food once a week. So last week Jet Pilot doused the planters with food and I think we are beginning to see a turn around in the planter boxes.
I will update as our garden shows forward momentum/progress!!
P.S. Since so many (about 1/2) of our pepper and onion transplants did not make it when were at the nursery we bought 3 Banana Peppers plants, 1 Garlic Chives plant, 1 regular Chive plant, and one beauty of a Basil plant. The Basil and Chives plants have already been putting in work for meal time around here- and let me tell you there is something soo cool about saying "Honey this XX dish needs Basil can you grab me some," and then the honey walks outside plucks some fresh Basil leaves from the plants walks back inside rinses them off and into the dish they go!
To the man that makes it all possible
Today is Father's Day and I want to take the time to thank a special man for all the love and joy he brings not only into my life but to Bonnie and Clyde's as well.
Our Jet Pilot.
I don't know that I can accurately articulate how awesome our Jet Pilot is but I will give it a shot.
When I first met Jet Pilot over 8 years ago I had no idea just how intelligent and driven he was. We were young and in the Navy when we started dating and I didn't really give it much thought, figured it would last or it wouldn't. Soon after I began to see how driven this young man was, how motivated he was to always be the smartest, the most successful but yet the most level headed person. He had dreams (bigger than I ever thought to have) and aspirations and for some reason completely unbeknownst to me-he loved me and wanted to fulfill all these dreams with me at his side. Now I am not a big believer in fate, I believe that our Most Awesome God has a plan for all us, that He sets people and places in our path for a reason and my path (thankfully!) involved Jet Pilot.
Within 6 months of meeting each other Jet Pilot and I got married. There was some whispers from our family but we knew in our hearts we were meant to be together. Shortly after we celebrated our 1 year anniversary we found out that we were pregnant with Bonnie and from the very first day Jet Pilot was every over indulgent pregnant wife's dream. He was so supportive, so gentle and always willing at the drop of the hat to do whatever random food run I asked for. (Poor guy, I was a whale and he loved me in spite of it!!) When Bonnie decided to make her arrival he was the best labor coach a girl could have asked for (even after 26 hours of labor). I have heard stories from other women who said their husbands panicked, got overwhelmed or just sat their stupified during the birthing process, not my Jet Pilot- he had his eye on the prize, focused and determined to help me get this baby out so we could meet her! The man could have doubled as a doula I swear. When Clyde was born he was awesome again, he had to take a more drill sargeant approach with me (our son's birthing process was hard and fast, wonderful and horrible at the same time) but so true to his character Jet Pilot knew exactly what I needed to get the job done.
Now that our little blessings are here and getting big he is the best father I have ever seen. Gentle yet firm, kind but truthful he leads this family like the Patriarch the Lord intended. Jet Pilot parents to our children with such wisdom and strength that at times its hard to hold back tears of pride over the values and morals he is instilling in our kids.
Jet Pilot is everything I would have asked the Lord for in a husband if I would have been smart enough to know what to pray for and on this special day I want to just take this time to thank him for his selfless sacrifice to serve his country, loves his kids unconditionally, lead his wife and most importantly love God wholeheartedly.
"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
when you run, you will not stumble.
Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life."
When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
when you run, you will not stumble.
Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life."
Proverbs 4:11-13
Q90X Day 2
Today's companies are:
Soooooo, who'd you contact today??
Friday, June 18, 2010
Q90X, yes I mean Q not P
I am starting a company writing coupon campaign.
For the next 30 days I am going to write 3 companies a day.
I am going to call it Q90X.
Q as in Q-pon,
90 as in 90 companies contacted when its all said and done, and
X as in it sounds cool, "X" (practice saying it in a deep serious voice..lol)
(Thanks Tony for the ingenuity of the name..=P).
I will keep ya'll (yes, I just typed Ya'll- I DO live in Mississippi after all...it was kind of inevitable..) updated as far as what type of feedback I get from the companies I have contacted. Here's hoping I get some great responses!! C'mon ladies (and gents I guess??) join me on my Q90X quest!! Write those companies-any companies!! Lets save $$$ together!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My Mailbox 6/14

Today in the mail I got:
*Coupons from this very cool chick
*Rebate check from Science Diet for $15
*Free magazine from freebizmags.com
*Sample of Aveeno shampoo & conditioner
*My mom sent me a Priority Envelope FULL OF COUPONS (including her $100 P&G YOS booklet!!) from the past 2-4 weeks
Holey Moley!! I won Swagbucks on my own BLOG!!!
HOLY COW!! Alright so in total honesty I do this from time to time, I swag my own blog in hopes it will eventually come up as a result and make me feel like I am a proud owner of a cool little piece of the World Wide Web. And always I am met with no success. I never get anything.
HOWEVER.....today was different.

Is that not the coolest thing ever?? (I know, I know I am lame...but its little things like this that are exciting to me!)
Betta watch out in-ta-net, Mama Dill is coming up in this piece!!!
Homemade Laundry Detergent Take 1
As some of you may (or may not) know I am on a mission to become more green, more frugal and live as naturally as we can
A.) afford
B.)handle and
C.) as far as I can push Jet Pilot (he fights me tooth and nail on changing our lifestyle habits for the better).
About a year ago I was reading on The Thrifty Mama Forums about making your own laundry detergent, and me being the huge skeptic that I am started researching it more and asking around to the greensters in TTM's coupon chat and sure enough-its legit. It works, smells good and is like 1/10 of the price of the store bought detergent. Well me being the extreme cheapskate that I am decided to "buy" the ingredients with overage and make it at home for myself.
I have to insert here that Jet Pilot was an extreme skeptic and not on board at all with making this detergent, he is an april-y fresh, lavender bouquet-y, smell good soap kinda guy; and I was too...but the desire to be cheap overrode my smell good needs.
So one weekend when everyone else in the house was busy I made a 2 gallon batch on the sly.
And I was totally frightened, it looked like yellowish Crisco gel goop.
In my fluster, I swagged all over the world wide web and found out I just needed to mix it all up with a giant spoon.
So I did.
And then it began to look more normal.
And it smelled wonderfully clean, I don't know how else to describe it, it just smells like soap-clean soap.
Here is the recipe I follow: FYI-- I make 4 Gallons at a time, its just easier.
1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Washing Soda
2/3 bar of Fels Naptha or whole bar of Ivory soap grated
I literally do everything my link-er does above. I bought a bucket from Wal Mart, measured and marked it at the 2 and 4 gallon levels, etc.. The only Dill flavor I added on is that I put the soap in first, boil the biggest stockpot of water I have and dump it in immediately after. From then on I just add the hottest tap water my house produces until I hit the 4 gallon mark.
It does need 8-24 hours to set up to the Crisco goop level and mine usually needs a good stir afterwards but from then on its just 1/2 cup in every load. Less for smaller loads (duh =P). A four gallon batch usually lasts us 4.5-6 months.
And I do laundry-everyday.
Multiple loads of laundry-everyday.
Now I know this frugal method is not for everyone, but it has saved this house soo much $$$ that it is just not justifiable for us to purchase store bought laundry detergent anymore. I will buy detergent on the off chance it's free and I can get away with only paying tax on it, but the odds of that are usually pretty slim around these parts. Is it more natural-sure I think so, more green-totally (there are soo many less chemicals in my detergent than anything you would buy on the shelf at your local supercenter), is it cheaper-you bet, will I continue to make my own detergent-UUHH YES until we can't get the ingredients anymore (because we are overseas or something).
I have turned several people onto this method and they all love it, so its pretty much mom approved.
In closing, I love making my own detergent I feel more independent, self sustaining, and just well, plain clean. With the allergies that Bonnie, Jet Pilot and I have its very comforting knowing that we are putting on clothes washed in a more "natural" detergent. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments section of this post along with your email and I will get back to you ASAP.
Monday, June 14, 2010
CVS Shop for the week of 6/13-6/19
2 Pampers Wipes--$1.99 each
3 CVS Tissue--$1.29 each
2 Old Spice Body Spray--$4.99
4 Old Spice Body Wash--$4.00
1 Starburst--.89?? I have no idea (Bonnie was with me and she wanted it and she never asks for anything so I indulged her)
Coupons I used:
$5/30 from Recycle Bank
3 $1/1 CVS Allergy Item CRT
2 B1G1 Old Spice Body Wash 6/6 P&G
1 $1/2 Old Spice Body Wash 6/6 P&G
2 B2 Body Wash G1 Body Spray Free 6/6 P&G??
$8.00 in ECB adjusted to $7.72 ($7 of which was expired but she took them anyway!)
Subtotal: 0.00
Tax: $2.43
Total OOP: $2.43
I am trying to trade for some Schick Hydro razors coupons so hopefully I will be able to go back to CVS later this week and get the Schick ECB deal and then submit for the rebate here!! But if not meh, another deal will come around again. All in all I am very happy with my shop and Jet Pilot is very happy with his new manly scented body washes.
My Medco Deals!!!
From time to time online stores play host to some amazing coupon codes/deals, usually they don't go through or are bogus or whatever..but sometimes they go through. And my 2 deals are proof that sometimes a girl gets lucky!!! Medco was offering a coupon code that took $10 off a $10 purchase, and shipping was only .99 cents. There were several codes out but I just took advantage of 2, I tend to get greedy with cheap and frees so I try to reign myself in when I can. Well since we have so much of everything thanks to the coupon stockpile I actually had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to get. I knew I wanted to get as close to $10 as possible to make my $$ stretch but with the first order I just got excited and tried to get SOMETHING, anything check out and pray my order didn't get cancelled. My first order was for a lb of Cold Milled Organic Ground Flaxseeds. Jet Pilot was less than thrilled about that, he tends to fight healthy eating sometimes but to eat organic and healthy is expensive and any opportunity to get organics on the cheap and I am all over it.
So I got Cold Milled Organic Ground Flaxseed.
And he will eat it.
And we will all be happier and healthier because of it.
I put it in a smoothie and you can't even taste it, I plan on putting it in quite a few of our dinner dishes, desserts, cookies, muffins, smoothies..you get the picture.
Then the second code came out and I had to strategically think of things that we needed but didn't want to pay full price for (well actually I don't want to pay full price for anything ever!) and then the idea hit me like a ton of bricks! WASHING SODA!! Since I started making my own detergent back in September I have been using the same box of washing soda and my box was getting very, very low. This coupled with the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere and have no store where I could buy this I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to get it on the cheap. I added in a box of Q-Tips as a cheap filler and just paid my .99 shipping.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wal-Mart Shop and the work I had to do...
So I was able to have an amazing shop today at Wal-Mart, but to my credit- I earned it. I was waiting on management/supervisors/head cashiers to tell me what I already knew. Yes they would take this coupon even though it was more than the face value of the product and yes they would pocket the difference and MAKE money off of ME SAVING money. Ugh soo frustrating. But after waiting 25 minutes and the lady behind me stomping off in anger because I was taking to long, (whatever some people just don't get saving $) all ended up well. The Wal Mart cashier still would not take the four Muir Glen IP's that I had that were in B&W but oh well, I will go back this weekend and try again. ANYWAYS,
I got:
20 Muir Glen Organic Tomato Paste--.92 cents
8 Benadryl Sticks--$2.46
3 Pampers tubs of wipes--$1.97
1 Acai Juice--$6.00 (HOLY COW, that is PRICEY!!!)
3 Simply Go-Gurt--$.2.25
1 Snickers--$1.00 (for me, as a treat!!)
Coupons I used:
20 $1/1 any Muir Glen from here
4 $5/2 Benadryl from the 4/11 RP
1 Free Acai Product from FB
3 Free Simply Go-Gurt Product from here
Subtotal: -$1.61
Tax: $4.07
Total OOP: $2.46
Now if only every time I used coupons at Wal Mart it was not like pulling teeth!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
CVS Clearance Shop 6/9
So I got:
4 Fusion Gamer Razors--$4.99
Coupons I used:
4 $4/1 any Fusion razor from 6/6 P&G Brandsaver
Subtotal: $3.96
Tax: $1.40
Total OOP: $5.36 from CVS GC!!! So $0.00!!
Used the last of the $$ on the CVS Gift Card, kinda sad but oh well. I had a good run!!!
And at the bottom of my receipt I got a $5/15!!! YAY!!! YAY!!
CVS Shop for the week of 6/6-6/12 Addendum

I got:
1 Fusion ProGlide Gift Set--$9.97
1 3 Pack of Baby Wipes--$1.87
4 boxes of Candy (for the kids)--$4.50
Coupons I used:
$5/15 from Magic Coupon Machine
$4/1 Gillette Fusion q from 6/6 P&G
$2 ECB's from MAGIC COUPON MACHINE (My typed words do not accurately describe how excited I was to receive this AWESOME Q!!)
Subtotal: $5.34
Tax: $1ish
Total OOP: $6.50ish (I can't find the receipt, I think I threw it away!!)
Since it was on a CVS GC--TECHNICALLY $0.00!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Mailbox 6/7
Today I got:
*Home Made Simple Booklet
*Sample of Old Spice Body Wash from Walmart.com
*3 Free Magazines from valuemags.com
*All my AWESOME coupons from recent trades I made here
My Mailbox 6/2

Today I got:
Coupon from a trade I made here
Petco coupons (which should make for some affordable quality) dog food
Build A Bear Workshop coupons (random, I know)
Not a bad mail day, not bad at all.
My Mailbox 6/1
Today I got:
2 Free magazines from freebizmags.com
$5/30 CVS coupon from RecycleBank
1 $2/1 Soft Scrub from Recycle Bank
Secret Clinical Deodorant sample from Walmart.com
Love the good mail days!!
CVS Shop for the week of 6/6-6/12
What I bought:
4 Nature's Bounty Vitamins--$5.19 (B1G1)
1 Fusion ProGlide Razor--$9.97
1 Pampers Refill Wipes (on clearance)--$1.99
1 Pampers Tub of Wipes (on clearance)--.87
1 Pampers Tub of Wipes--$3.49
Coupons I used:
1 $4/20 from registering here
4 $3/1 any Nature's Bounty from here
1 $4/1 Fusion Razor any from 6/6 P&G
3 $2/1 Pampers Wipes 60 or larger from 6/6 P&G
Subtotal: .70 cents
Tax: $1.59
Total OOP: $2.29 on CVS GC so technically $0.00!! Plus I earned $5 ECB's from buying the Fusion ProGlide Razor!
I bought all the clearance wipes they had in the store (I gave one tub to my neighbor, she just had new baby!), and one regular price tub of wipes. I have learned that CVS registers will not beep as long as your total on an item is more than you have in coupons. Even if it is just .01, so in this case I was buying $6.35 in Pampers wipes so I was able to use 3 $2/1 Pampers Wipes q's and wah lah no beeps. Even those one tub of wipes was .87 cents, the tub that I bought that was $3.49 balanced everything out. An a .35 cent total on essentially 5 tubs worth of wipes!!
Maybe some of you savvy CVS'ers knew this but it was like an epiphany for me when I realized it. These are the things you don't find on the coupon blogs. But I digress, I am thinking of hitting up the other CVS to see if they have any clearance wipes, I know, I stalk clearance deals, but I do have a neighbor with a newborn and 2 other neighbors that are expecting by the end of the year, so eventually someone will use them.
Sooo...whaddidya get this week at CVS??
FYI: I just read here that the limit on the $5 ECB's wyb Gillette Fusion Proglide is Limit 2, not 1!! That's awesome because I have more coupons that are burning a hole in my pocket and a $5/15 thats itching to be used!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
I know, I know but this couldn't wait...
So I have learned my lesson and I am checking my SPAM folder.
Well today I logged into my account and saw I had 2 "Unread" in my Spam folder. The first email was really SPAM but the SECOND was a notification from this blog that I had WON A $20 E-GIFT CARD to Target.com!!!!!!!!
Insert a hoarse mama trying to scream loudly at this point. AAAHHH!!!!!
Quick as a flash I sent an email back acknowledging their email and thanking them for the giveaway. I hope it all goes well, the email said I had 24 hours to respond and while I am pretty sure I responded in time I still am kinda nervous I am going to miss out on the E-Gift Card.
I don't know why I am such a spaz but I am. Its my nature.
I will let you know how it turns out!! Wish me Luck!!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Rite Aid Shop for the Week of 5/30-6/5

5 Stayfree Pads--$1.99
Coupons I used:
5 $2/1 any Stayfree Product from the 3/28RP
Subtotal:-.05 (Love when my totals are like that)
Tax: .70
Total OOP: .65
Maybe I will start looking into Rite Aid weekly deals more regularly, cuz I love shops like this!!
My Mailbox 5/28
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